Varallo Public Relations | Nashville, TN

September 15 deadline to share your thoughts on midtown complete street projects!

Two ongoing projects in the Midtown area adim to improve safety for all roadway users!

The Athena Bikeways Project will plan, design, and construct multimodal safety and mobility improvements, including high quality, low stress bikeways, on several streets in Midtown connecting to Centennial Park.

Learn more and complete the survey:…/projects/bikeways/athena

The Church Street Complete Street Project is one of the projects indentified in the recently completed Connect Downtown project. The project will plan, design, and implement protected lanes for people biking and using micromobility devices while also improving safety for people walking this high injury corridor. It will also be important to manage multimodal traffic at congested locations like the interstate interchange. Learn more and complete the survey:…/complete-streets/church-street

The last day to share your thoughts is Sunday, September 15. If you travel these areas or if you are interested in options to do so safely, please complete the surveys!

NDOT flyer for Athena and Church projects